Group did some good broken swims this a.m.
Posted above pic on Facebook this a.m.
Here are a few comments from other swim coaches:
Congrats to those who stepped up. Taking advantage of opportunities is key to success.
Skipping bc it's "too cold"? There's only one person who's cold at these glorious training opps, and he/she is the one with the stopwatch! We have sunshine and I've even removed my gloves and jacket #1. Must be in Miami Beach!
I had 7 yesterday and 8 today take advantage of having an indoor pool.
I remember the days!
As a swimmer who trained outside the majority of his life, I understand how temperatures, both hot and cold can effect your desire to train. But....there's countless farm boys and farm girls that are feeding livestock and working fields in this same weather for much longer hours. I doubt they got congratulations when they finished and will guess that they don't wake up to "recovery" days after a rough day on the farm. Had a kid ask if he could get out of workout early one cold winter morning a number of years ago. I asked if he wanted to crawl back into his warm bed. With a straight face he said "Naw...I've got 240 square bales to stack and if I don't get a jump on it before school, I won't be able to finish it up before afternoon workout. That's a kid who's employable, that's a kid I want voting, that's a kid who put family first and self second. We are truly privileged to coach some of the finest individuals the world has produced.
15 - FV, GV, MV
11 - CR
7 - SA
6 - MB, DD, HS
4 - SE, AL, AM
3 - ZH, ST, JW
2 - CA, BR
1 - FR
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