So sorry for the late post, but it's taken a while to catch up on school work after the district meet!
I hope our athletes are busy doing the same!!!
For those who aren't aware, Frankie Miller passed away New Year's Eve. Daughter Aubry ('20) was a perennial region finalist for our high school team and a team captain her senior year.
If you are able to do so, please join Clare and I in donating to the Miller Children's Education Fund at TDECU or via PayPal at
Our girls and boys each finished 3rd in team standing at the district meet, and we were 2nd in combined scoring. All twelve (12) of our district athletes have advanced to the region meet.
The girls will travel on Wednesday, the 3rd and compete on Thursday, the 4th. The boys will travel on Friday, the 5th and compete on Saturday, the 6th.
Meet information is available online here. Scroll down to the Region VII-5A section and click on either PDF icon (see picture below).
HS - 8th period Dry-land (A) & Swim/Dive after school until 5:00 p.m.
JH - Swim/Dive after school until 5:00 p.m.
HS - 8th period Dry-land (B) & Swim/Dive after school until 5:00 p.m.
HS - 8th period Dry-land (A) & Swim/Dive after school until 5:00 p.m.
JH - Swim/Dive after school until 5:00 p.m. Thursday
HS - 8th period Dry-land (B) & Swim/Dive after school until 5:00 p.m.
HS - 8th period Dry-land (A) & Swim/Dive after school until 5:00 p.m.
JH - Swim/Dive after school until 5:00 p.m. Saturday
HS - Dry-land (B) & Swim/Dive (8-10 a.m.)
JH - See Info Below
Junior High Notes
No matter how flexible we've been, none of our potential meets have panned out.
As it became apparent that a championship meet wasn't available, we hoped to wrap up our season this weekend with a Blue/Gold intrasquad meet on Saturday, after the high school practice.
We may see if our swimmers and divers would like to go ahead and do a little mini-practice meet that would give them an opportunity to swim some relays, race in some junior high individual events, and try a 3-dive list. Academic eligibility (passed all classes in the 3rd grading period) is a must!
As far as a possible spring season goes, I do not want to interfere with other junior high sports...but, if we can occasionally work around them, we may put together a few clinic/camp-style practices for 6th/7th/8th graders.
Mrs. Button will be busy with high school track, but I'm sure some of our high school kids would help out.
I'll continue to try to find meet opportunities for our kids. If something comes up and it works with our other sports, we'll give it a shot.
Here's something for you Aggies:
A&M is opening up a new training facility for their swim/dive program, called Paup Pavilion.
Here are a couple of pictures of major donor Henry "Hank" Paup from this past weekend's M/W victories over LSU:
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