Saturday, January 16, 2021

District Week Info

Athletes, PLEASE do all you can to stay healthy!  You know to stay out of crowds, use hand sanitizer, mask up, wash hands, etc. - so keep doing it!
If you are resting and/or shaving for the district meet:
Aquablades are in.  Please take great care of them.  Be careful when sitting down with your suit on!  Have something (drag suit, shorts, warm-up bottoms, towel, etc.) between your suit and the chair/bench.

After your meet (via SwimOutlet):

Rinse it With Cold Water After Use

When you are done with your meet, you want to remove as much chlorine from the tech suit as you can, and the best way to do that is to rinse the suit with cold water. You should not use soap or shampoo, as these can damage the suit material and affect the compression.

You should never use a washing machine! Instead, we recommend filling a sink with cool water and dipping the suit in that, swishing the water around to remove the residue. You should not scrub the suit or anything that might damage the material.

Move the Suit in a Towel

If you are taking the suit home from a meet before it can air dry, wrap the suit in a towel and transport it that way. This will keep the water from dripping out. Do not wring the suit out or anything similar to try and get it to dry faster.

Air Dry

When you have rinsed the suit clean of chlorine and other dangerous materials, you should let the suit air dry. Do not hang the suit as you might a more typical type of suit, as the weight can pull down the suit and stretch it. Instead, lie the suit flat until it is dry to the touch.

Cap color for the post-season is yellow.  You have the option of either latex or silicone.  Take care of your caps by rinsing in fresh water, drying with a towel, and dusting with baby powder.


HS - Swim/Dive 5-6:30 p.m.
HS - Swim/Dive 8th period & after school until 4:30
HS - Swim/Dive 8th period & after school until 4:30
Diving District at Victoria*
HS - Swim after school until 4:30


Swimming District at Victoria*


HS - Swim/Dive 8-10 a.m.

*Travel handout will have info on meeting times, breakfast, wake-up swim, packing suggestions, etc.

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