Tuesday, April 26, 2022

News Flash

BCHS/BCJH Swim Program Banquet

Who:  Athletes & Family

What:  2022 Swim Banquet

When:  Friday, May 20, 7:00 p.m.

Where:  K-2 Steakhouse

Thank You Cards

Our JH/HS thank you cards are ready to sign.  When you're signing these, please let me know if I've forgotten anyone on our long list of folks who've helped us out this season!

Dry-Land Clothes

Please have dry-land clothes ready to turn in this week - the earlier, the better!


Michael V, Lucie F, & Megan M have been helping us with tarps for the past week or so.  If you can join us, we'll be there today (3:30), tomorrow (4:30), Thursday (3:30), and Friday (3:30).

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