Saturday, April 30, 2022

2022 USMS SC Championships in San Antonio

A couple of BC "kids" - Keith Hill ('92) & Blake Holden ('95) are racing in San Antonio this weekend.
They teamed w/Dave Wharton to win the 45+ Men's 200 medley relay yesterday.

Check out meet results here

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

News Flash

BCHS/BCJH Swim Program Banquet

Who:  Athletes & Family

What:  2022 Swim Banquet

When:  Friday, May 20, 7:00 p.m.

Where:  K-2 Steakhouse

Thank You Cards

Our JH/HS thank you cards are ready to sign.  When you're signing these, please let me know if I've forgotten anyone on our long list of folks who've helped us out this season!

Dry-Land Clothes

Please have dry-land clothes ready to turn in this week - the earlier, the better!


Michael V, Lucie F, & Megan M have been helping us with tarps for the past week or so.  If you can join us, we'll be there today (3:30), tomorrow (4:30), Thursday (3:30), and Friday (3:30).

Monday, April 25, 2022

Help Wanted


Looking ahead to the fall, we're going to need help!
Don't worry, I will work with y'all!  We can run a much better overall program if coaches can get a hand with these things.
  • Meet Director - organize timers, officials, meet set-up, score table, concessions, etc.
  • Fund Raising Director - concessions (football & swim), poster, camps/clinics, other
  • Social Liaison- help with post-practice & pre-meet events, schedule/organize other activities
  • Camp/Clinic Director - help with scheduling, staffing, & publicizing camps/clinics
  • Dry-Land Leader - direct set-up & tear-down, share technique pointers, chart progress
  • Locker Room Leaders (2) - help w/lock & locker issues, hold teammates accountable for rules/policies, keep up with supply/repair/cleanliness/safety issues
  • Historian - research/update program history (awards, records, championships, & top ten list)
  • Communications Liaison - promotional announcements/photos/posters/videos, media (social & print)
  • Academic Counselor - promote A/B culture, organize/schedule study groups/tutorials
  • Alumni Relations Liaison- compile contact info, share program updates, invite/request input
  • Meet Director Assistant - assist meet director (see above)



Sunday, April 24, 2022

Andrew Wilson Retirement Letter

Here's a must-read for our athletes:

To the swim community,

Today I have officially submitted my retirement paperwork. While I’ve known for a while that my career as a professional swimmer was over, this moment still feels different. This year at Oxford has been my soft landing into retirement, allowing me to remain in touch with competitive swimming, but with more life balance and less stress. To be completely honest, I wasn’t prepared to face the fact that such an incredible chapter of my life had come to an end, and I’m incredibly grateful to those at Oxford who welcomed me with open arms as I figured out what my future relationship with the sport would be. During this year I’ve had time to reflect on my career as whole, and I have more to say than fits in a social media post. I don’t expect everyone to be interested in what I have to say, but this letter is as much for me personally to express my thoughts on the period of my life dominated by swimming as it is to share my views on my career and this sport with others. It is difficult to leave the sport of swimming completely satisfied with what you have accomplished, and I don’t believe many do. I know that this is certainly the case for me, which I am not saying in a search for sympathy, but rather to let others know that you are not alone in this feeling. Instead of focusing on this though, I want to focus on the things that I am proud of from my swim career.

1. I believe that I did everything I could in order to be as good as I possibly could. Of course I wish that I could have medaled individually at the Games or set an individual AR, but I’m extremely proud of the fact that if I were to do it all again, I would not do it differently. I genuinely believe that I got as much out of my talent as I possibly could, and in every race gave it everything I had. I think that knowing I did everything in my power to accomplish what I believed I could in this sport is something to be proud of.

2. Everything I accomplished I did without bending or breaking the rules, whether that applies to doping or dolphin kicks. I can always look back and know that I did it the right way.

3. I’m proud to come from DIII. Too many people look down upon DIII as a lesser version of the sport, but I promise you, it isn’t. Sure the times are a bit behind DI, but I never once went to a practice at Emory and thought, ‘man, these guys just don’t care about swimming as much as at DI schools.’ Out of all my time training with different people, different programs, and in different places, the thing that makes a good training partner is someone who puts in the effort and someone who cares, and you find a plethora of people like that in DIII.

4. I’m proud that I didn’t give up, which is not to say I wasn’t close. I still remember vividly speaking to Jon Howell on deck at the end of World Champs Trials in 2017. In 2015-16 I completely dedicated myself to swimming. I did everything I possibly could to set myself up to make the Olympic team in 2016, and I thought I deserved to. But a lot of people deserve to, and the cards don’t always fall your way. That was a very tough lesson to learn, but I accepted it, and went back to work even more motivated for 2017. Then I missed the team again. I went to Jon, fighting back tears, and told him I wasn’t sure if I could keep doing this, working for a year for a chance, only to fall short by fractions of a second. Jon talked me down from the proverbial ledge, and I bounced back quickly to focus on WUGS, with a determination to prove myself. Managing to go a best time at WUGS is one of the moments I’m most proud of in my career. This sport is brutal. In swimming it sometimes feels like when you deserve something the most is when you’re least likely to get it. But I’m proud that I didn’t let the brutality of swimming win. I’m proud that I kept working and finding ways to get better until I did make those teams.

5. I’m proud of the relationships I’ve made through swimming. I’m proud that I get to call so many incredible people friends, and that we got to share moments that made us who we are. As a swimmer you spend so much time with your teammates and coaches, and give up so much of your life outside of the sport. These were some of the most important people in my life for the last 10 years, and I will always be grateful to them for who they helped me become, and what they helped me accomplish because I certainly wouldn’t have done it without them. I’m incredibly proud to have been a part of their journey as well.

I’m also proud of accomplishments, but realistically those are distantly behind everything I’ve listed above. There are of course aspects of my swimming career that I’m not proud of as well. I’m not proud of how I sometimes reacted in training when having a bad set. I’m not proud of moments when I sought to blame people other than myself for a poor performance. I’m not proud of relationships that I let get ruined by my borderline psychotic obsession with finding a way to be faster

I will always miss swimming intensely, but I’ve come to realize that what I miss is that chapter in my life, and I don’t find myself wanting to train in the way you need to in order to write a few more words. What I really want most of all is to relive some of those moments of my life, with those people, in that moment in time, because it truly was incredible, even if at times I didn’t show it. Looking back at all the moments I cherish it’s difficult to believe that it went by so fast, and I only hope that others look upon those moments as fondly as I do.

My list of people to thank is too long to include everyone here, but I would be remiss if I didn’t at least mention Jon Howell and all the coaches at Emory who took a chance on me. Cindy Fontana for being my mom away from home. Jack Bauerle and the coaches at Georgia who helped me live out a dream. Keenan Robinson for being the ultimate weight coach, trainer, and hype man I could ask for. Eddie Reese, Wyatt Collins, Emilie Hoeper and others who I had the pleasure of working with at Texas who taught me how to be a professional. Tim Kelly and David Fox who believed in me before many did. The entire USA Swimming staff for being the best, and most fun, in the world. Ken Ono and Russell Mark for helping me find measurable areas to improve and always supporting me as I tried to. Mike Lewis for capturing some of the most memorable experiences of my life. Sean McCann for helping me to train my mind; and of course, all of the incredible athletes I have been lucky enough to call teammates over the years. I love the sport of swimming. I loved it even when I hated it, but there’s a point when everyone has to say goodbye to it, and for me that is now. To those who are still in it, cherish it, work for it, embrace the highs, embrace the lows, value the people around you, and savor it; because I’m so jealous that you are still experiencing your story instead of looking back and nostalgically longing for just one more of those moments with your teammates.

Until we meet again,
Andrew Wilson, OLY


This Week (Edited 9:30 p.m.)

Edit - Thank you cards are here!  Let's get our BCHS & BCJH athletes to sign this week.
Captains - still waiting for a firm date to have our banquet.  May 20 & May 12 have been mentioned.
Christmas Training Shirts - Brooks, Frick, Luder, Morales, Moya, & Sliva can pick those up this week (see schedule below).
Weather permitting, here's a plan that works around my after school tutoring schedule.  Thanks in advance if y'all can help out.
Monday:  4:30 tarp work & optional short swim
Tuesday:  3:30 tarp work & optional short swim

Wednesday:  4:30 tarp work & optional short swim

Thursday:  3:30 tarp work & optional short swim
Friday:  3:30 tarp work & optional short swim


Quote of the Week

I didn't get there by wishing for it or
hoping for it, but by working for it.

Estée Lauder

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Fall Schedule/Poster

If we can get our individual and team pictures taken early in the school year, a great way to use those is on a team poster/schedule.  Below are a couple of examples.
If each athlete could commit to selling "x" number of posters, we'd be able to turn this into a fund-raiser.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Club Swimming Options (Edited 4/24/22)

Edit - A few days after this post went up, I stepped away from club coaching - for at least a few months.  That means ShAC-BC & BCAT are "on hold".
We'll be using that time for some travel and to work on quite a few projects that have been on the back burner for the past couple of years. 
Unlike other state associations, the UIL does not limit our swimmers' participation in club swimming.  They leave it up to each individual school to decide on a policy that would allow their athletes to participate in - or not participate in - both club and high school swimming concurrently.

Here are our options:

Coastal Cities Aquatic Association (CCAA)

Our local CCAA affiliate, the Bay City Aquacats, expects to get started very soon.

Many Aquacats also participate in regional and state competition through the Texas Amateur Athletic Federation (TAAF)

United States Swimming (USAS)

We have one of two satellite programs (the other is located in Beaumont) that compete with our parent club, Swim Houston Aquatics Center (ShAC).

ShAC-BC is not a summer league prep program!  The expectation is that athletes will train daily (2/day in summer) and attend only ShAC (USAS) meets.

Amateur Athletic Union (AAU)

A third option we're considering is Big Cat Aquatic Team (BCAT).  Coach Dana Abbott and I have registered the team with the AAU.  He has a small workout group started in Katy.  I've been waiting to see a) if we'd have a facility to train/compete in, and b) if there would be interest.

Our Bay City squad would be an after school & summer (non-USAS) group.  Please email me if you'd be interested in this option.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

News & This Week

Plenty to share in the next few weeks, so keep up via this blog and your sportsYou app.
  • All-District & All-Region TISCA letter jacket patches can be ordered here
  • Captains, please help me out and get a date nailed down for our banquet ASAP*
  • School will offer athletic physicals on Wednesday, May 25
  • All sports athletic party will be Friday, May 27
Tentative plan at the pool this week:
Monday:  I'd like to check things over to see if we can start getting back in the water.  Also, anyone who'd like to help rinse/dry a tarp or two, the fun starts at 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday:  3:30 tarp work & optional short swim

Thursday:  3:30 tarp work & optional short swim

Friday:  3:30 tarp work & optional short swim

Finally, now that tennis has wrapped up, those that are wanting to work out should see about swapping back into swimming for 8th period.  Counselors are super busy, so be patient.
*Conflicts include, but are not limited to:  May 9-11 (EOC tests following days), May 17 (Varsity Cup), May 18 (Scholarship Night), May 19 (Employee Banquet), May 23 (BCHS Awards Ceremony)

Quote of the Week

How you recover from what life's
throwing at you is what matters.

Joseph William "Joe" Namath