Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Post-Zoom Update

The roller coaster that is 2020 continues to provide more surprises around every bend...

We hope our athletes were inspired by our visit with Olympian and former world record-holder Dave Wharton.

Kids, let's keep the campaign for President of the Matagorda Chapter of the Dave Wharton Fan Club clean!

Parents, with your permission, I will share Dave's email with your child.  He's more than willing to answer questions and offer and advice/help he can provide our athletes!

Special thanks to Keith Hill ('92) for lining up Dave as a Zoom guest.  Keith and his family love our sport and our town so, so much!!

The UIL announced new restrictions on swimming competitions at 8:00 a.m. this morning.  Here are a few of the "highlights":
  • Single-level meets only (no JH/HS or JV/Varsity combination meets)
  • Dual or tri-meets only (no invitationals)
  • Top four (4) finishers in each event at the district meet advance to region (down from six)
  • Region meet now a 1-day meet with prelims in a.m. and finals in p.m.
Those rules shouldn't impact our plans to hold in-house time trials on a few Saturdays in September, October, and (weather permitting) November/December.

We've scheduled meets with Lamar/Terry (away on Oct. 6) and Hightower (home on October 13).  Both meets would be allowed under the rules announced this a.m.  Brazosport is interested in adding a dual as well.

If we don't feel we can attend/hold those meets safely, we'll seek alternatives.

Stay tuned for more info...

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