Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Being a Great Teammate

via Concord Monitor

Remember that page of the handbook titled "The Blackcat Way"?
Be a great teammate:  A true team player not only has a back-up plan for himself/herself, but also a back-up plan to help out a teammate in need.

Let's take care of business and remind each other to a) check email and b) check website.  Since we're not all together in an athletic period, we need to share info in other ways.

My best methods are email and website.  You can share with one another via email, texting, Facebook, talking, etc.

Also, this is a short grading period.  We need to:
Focus on academics:  Don’t put off homework, getting help, and/or studying for tests/quizzes.  Also, remember to be the most respectful student in each class.

Take care of business in the classroom and help each other out with school work.

Here's a little Swimming World article on being a great teammate:

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