1. One (1) dry-land exercise you would like to see added to next year's program & why it is important.
Bench Press, Burpees, Med Ball Sit-Ups, Running, Russian Twists, Stretching, Weighted Dips
2. One (1) swimming drill you would like to see added to next year's program and why it is important.
Breeja Larson Drill, hand/Arm Placement Drills, L-B-R-B Fly, Pull Drills, Push-off Drills, Tow-ball Sprints, Texas Tumblers, Underwaters, Zipper Drill
3. One (1) mind training exercise you would like to see added to next year's program & why it is important.
Breath Hold, Break Down Strokes/Movements, Count Reps, Deep Breathing/Calming/Thinking, Easy Day, Memorizing Skills, Quotes, Specific Breathing, Veteran-coached Practices, Visualize Sets, Yoga
4. One specific coaching skill You would like to see me improve on for next year and why it is important.
Be More Specific & Individual, Chill, Demonstrations, Empathy for Better Working Relationship, No High Volume, Positive Reinforcement & Encouragement, Spend More Time Explaining Sets, Stay Calm Under Pressure, Tell Us Our Strengths & What We're Doing Right
5. Name the current non-student/athlete you are bringing into next year's program who will stick with us.
Megan M, Suhana K, Ethan Y, Matthew B, Daniel D, & Felix R each gave the name of someone they're working to bring on board for next year. Keep working with them! Get them to the pool this spring/summer. Coach 'em up! The rest of you need to find someone who you can count on to show up. That's the main thing. You can handle the rest, right?
6. List three (3) SMART* goals for your 2021-22 high school swim/dive season.
Everyone listed attainable individual goals for the 2021-22 season. If we all work together on #'s 1-5 above, I feel we'll not only exceed your expectations here, but I believe we'll realize some TEAM goals that would not otherwise be possible.
Let's think BIG!!
*Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-based
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