Wednesday, September 27, 2023


Team picture is scheduled for Monday, October 2nd, at 3:30 p.m.  We have warm-ups at the pool.  If you have a yeller team shirt to wear underneath, that'd be great.  If not, we have a few to loan at the pool.


We're working the visitor side concession stand on Friday, October 6th.  I'll make a Costco run this weekend but it would help me out quite a bit if we could have each athlete bring a case of water for the El Campo game - that would make my shopping list much easier!  Just bring the water to the pool any day next week.

If we have a parent who'd like to volunteer to put together a work schedule, I'll share parent contact info (and last year's schedule) to help out with that.  Let me know!

Special thanks to Lisa Moya for sending me info from both our concession stand last year and the one the Aristocats did this year.


Keep an eye on Google Classroom.  An October schedule should be ready soon.


Attendance leaders (as of 9/26):

    Ashton R - 19
    Victoria S - 17
    Jomar B - 16

Dry-land clothing is in!  Plan is to start issuing it tomorrow.  Each athlete will be issued two pairs of shorts, two shirts, and a pair of workout gloves.  Please take care of these items properly and have them available every day.


Athletes who did not pass all classes for the first six weeks may participate in scrimmages - which is what our October 13 & 14 events are.

However, anyone wishing to regain eligibility for regular meets must be passing all classes on October 6.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Labor Day Week

Check Google Classroom for some schedule updates!
If you haven't taken care of all paperwork (info forms, handbook, RankOne, etc.) - please get with the program!!

Evening Swim:  5:00 - 6:30 p.m.


Morning Swim:  6:00 - 7:30 a.m.
Evening Swim:  5:00 - 6:30 p.m.


Morning Swim:  6:00 - 7:30 a.m.


No Swim (1st Period in B228)


No Swim (1st Period in B228)

Quote of the Week

Good questions outrank easy answers.

Paul Anthony Samuelson